New Now Wow! Reviews image

New Now Wow! Reviews

October 24, 2014  |  News

In a glowing review of our “NEW NOW WOW!” show, Willamette Week raves:

New Now Wow! is a name well-deserved…Yin Yue’s Between Rise and Fall sends the audience into a dark world that shows off a dynamic interplay with tight athleticism and willingness to experiment…a standout work by Czech choreographer Jirí Pokorny who is known for his use of stark lighting and involved group work, and this piece—his debut in North America—doesn’t disappoint…Pokorny’s timing of movement to music is extraordinarily thoughtful…Minh Tran’s Unexpected Turbulence starts humorous and fresh before becoming rapid and intense, especially backed by an atmospheric original score by Heather Perkins.

Oregon Arts Watch reviews the show and its three contrasting and captivating world premieres, noting:

…invariably well-performed by this company’s versatile dancers…challenging movement…impressive dancing…pleasure to watch…Heather Perkins’ score is eminently danceable, and Tran keeps the dancers moving with good-humored energy…I couldn’t take my eyes off (Ching Ching) Wong.