Beatriz García Díaz

Portrait by Blaine Truitt Covert


Havana, Cuba

Member Since





Beatriz García Díaz

Beatriz García Díaz was born in Havana, Cuba, and began her dance education at the National Ballet School and the University of Arts of Cuba. She started her professional career as a dancer with Danza Teatro Retazos Company, where she spent three years working with choreographers such as Isabel Bustos, Miguel Azcue, and Pepe Hevia. In 2014, Beatriz joined Malpaso Dance Company and worked on multiple pieces created by the artistic director and choreographer, Osnel Delgado. She also had the opportunity to collaborate with several other choreographers including Trey McIntyre, Aszure Barton, Sonya Tayeh, Robyn Mineko Williams, Florian Lochner, Alice Klock (Flock), Iratxe Ansa, Igor Bacovich (Metamorphosis), and Ohad Naharin. Additionally, she has performed works by Ronald K. Brown and Merce Cunningham. She performed as a guest artist with companies such as Cuban Classical Ballet of Miami, Dimensions Dance Theatre of Miami, and Zest Collective. Apart from performing, Beatriz has also started to create her own choreographic works for Acosta Danza and Malpaso Dance Company. She was invited to participate in the II Meeting of Young Choreographers in Cali, Colombia. She participated in the XXVII International Ballet Festival of Miami by presenting an original work of her own creation. In addition to this, she also created a work for Santa Fe College and for Dimensions Dance Theatre of Miami.