Bryan Arias


Bryan Arias


Arias is a highly acclaimed and visionary choreographer known for his evocative and emotionally charged works. Born in Puerto Rico and raised in New York City, Bryan discovered his love for dance at a young age, drawn to the expressive and transformative nature of movement. He began his formal training in various dance techniques, including classical ballet and contemporary dance, which provided a strong foundation for his future artistic endeavors.

Throughout his career, Bryan has had the privilege of working with esteemed dance companies and artists, both as a dancer and a choreographer. His experiences with renowned companies such as Nederlands Dans Theater and Crystal Pite’s Kidd Pitvot exposed him to a wide range of styles and approaches to dance, further enriching his artistic perspective.

Bryan's choreographic journey has been characterized by a profound exploration of human emotion and the human condition. His works delve into themes of personal identity, vulnerability, resilience, and the intricate dynamics of human relationships. With a keen eye for detail and an instinctive understanding of the power of movement, Arias crafts mesmerizing choreographies that captivate audiences and elicit profound emotional responses.

His choreographic style is characterized by fluidity, organic partnering, and a seamless integration of dance and theatrical elements. Bryan has an exceptional ability to blend technical precision with raw emotion, creating a visceral and immersive experience for both performers and spectators.

His talent and unique artistic vision have garnered widespread recognition and numerous accolades. Bryan has been commissioned to create original works for prestigious dance companies around the world, including Netherlands Dance Theater, Ballet Theater Basel, Zurich Ballet, Leipzig Ballet, The Paul Taylor Company, and The Bolshoi Ballet. His choreographies have been showcased on renowned stages and festivals, captivating audiences in Europe, North America, and beyond.

Beyond his choreographic pursuits, Bryan is also deeply committed to nurturing the next generation of dancers and choreographers. He has taught masterclasses and workshops internationally, sharing his knowledge and passion for dance with aspiring artists.

As a choreographer, Bryan continues to push the boundaries of dance, creating transformative and emotionally charged works that resonate with audiences on a profound level. His dedication to his craft and his ability to tell compelling stories through movement have established him as a true luminary in the world of contemporary dance.